Facsimile Signatures Facsimile defined in Webster’s Dictionary states: A copy of anything made, either so as to be deceptive or so as to give every part and detail of the original; an exact copy or likeness. Jordan facsimile signatures are everywhere, they can be easily found on almost anything Michael endorses. The list goes a mile long Wheaties,Nike,Gatorade, McDonalds, Hanes, BallPark Franks, Coke, all the way down to bubble gum. Ever taken notice at the package? I always had the habit of looking to see what new facsimile signature was on the box. All of these products are no longer on the shelves, and everyone has basically forgotten what style signature was actually used for reproduction. Yes, originals of these facsimiles do exist, but these are "one of a kind" treasures scripted in Michael’s own hand to be used as a "template" for being reproduced onto his many products that he endorses. Most of these originals have never surfaced and probably made its way into the trash bins after the master copies were made, or are in the private hands of the people directly in charge of the actual reproduction process. I decided to add this section on Jordan facsimile signatures to my website due to the importance of "misrepresentation" in regards to internet auctions. While routinely surfing the internet to see "what’s new" in the auction world, I have seen on numerous occasions sellers stating "authentic signed" items that were indeed facsimile signed pieces. Granted, not all sellers are out to "misrepresent" auction items to their unexpected buyers, and regardless of what the situation maybe; whether it’s unintentional or out of malicious intent, the buyer is the one that is ultimately affected. So in order to aid the situation on the lack of basic knowledge or genuine resources, I decided to list illustrations for you to review and evaluate genuine examples of the once forgotten "MJ facsimile signatures"