

Darren, First, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help us! You are an invaluable resource in our fight against forgeries!

John Gonzales
eBay Inc.
Counterfeit Investigations
Autographs &
   Sports Memorabilia

RareAir23.com is THE site to visit before buying a Michael Jordan autograph or other high end Jordan item.  No one has more experience with MJ jerseys, shoes, and autographs.  The author is well informed and has a passion for MJ memorabilia.  Keep up the good work!

-Mark Montero

I came to Darren after purchasing a magazine signed by Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman. It had been authenticated by one of the most popular authenticators in the country, and I was interested in hearing a second opinion. Fortunately, Darren was not only able to determine that it was NOT authentic, but even who was likely to have done it. I was able to return the magazine and receive a refund.

For the past year, Darren has been kind enough to verify any vintage MJ signatures that I purchase. Thanks to him, I have some terrific, authentic pieces rather than a worthless magazine. In my opinion, Darren knows more about Michael Jordan's signature than any person out there. I will never purchase a Jordan piece without his opinion. His website has the most technical information that I have found on Jordan's signature and I have really enjoyed learning from it. Again, I will never care about the opinions of lead authenticators. Darren is my Jordan expert...


I would trust Darren’s (or rareair23.com) word on Jordan items over any authenticator period. His attention to detail and span of knowledge when it comes to Jordan items is literally second to maybe only MJ himself. Not only does he go the extra mile when doing his research, he doesn’t “big time” anyone, seems to have time to look at whatever. If you are in the market for a rare Jordan item and have any questions regarding it you won’t find a better resource! I can’t thank Darren enough for all the help, knowledge, and money he has saved (from helping me not buy items that were questionable) me over the last few years. In my opinion Darren’s word on Jordan items should carry more weight in the hobby than any authenticator when it comes to Jordan items.
-Dennis Robinson  UT.

Meeting Darren Shikina and rareair23.com is one of the most significant things when collecting items autographed by Michael Jordan. I started to collect sports memorabilia about Jordan since he won his first NBA title but only shoes and posters were easily available in Taiwan during the early to mid 1990’s. Jordan autographed items caught everyone’s eyes here as they were scarce and expensive or usual not-for-sale in the stores. Having an autograph item was a dream of mine since that. In 2005 it was Tony Baldwin who introduced me to this website with lots of worth and valuable sources, and I thought it was like an encyclopedia of Michael’s all time signatures. Now I have plenty of items signed by Michael and must offer my heartfelt thanks to Darren with his professional and enthusiastic analysis, he did a great job for those who like Mike. This is the best website if you want to know vintage and rare Michael Jordan’s signatures.

-Ensen Chen'  Taiwan