Michael Jordan's Autopen signature or "mechanically generated" signature are normally done on promotional B/W photos. These photos are unique items that are normally obtained through promotional events and or donated to charities. These pieces are rather dangerous, meaning that since it is signed with his Vintage Signature they can be readily sold as a genuine signed photo. I haven't seen any publication or article regarding Jordan's autopen signature, so I would like to officially say that I was the first to do extensive research and documentation on this subject. 

Jordan Autopen 8x10 Proserv promo 1987
Jordan Autopen 8x10 Proserv promo 1991
Jordan Autopen 8x10 Rayovac promo 1995

The 1987 ProServ promotional photo is by far the most realistic. Meaning that the style of signature matches the timeframe of the picture itself. Take the third image for example, The Rayovac promotional photo which bears Michael in his "45" Jersey, just by looking at the photo itself it dates from 1995, and Michael "DID NOT" sign his name in this style.

I would like to emphasize on some technical factors, on close examination on all three examples show an "EXACT" duplication of his signature meaning that they are identical in size (height/length) and stroke. Each stroke  of the "J" in Jordan touches the "M" in Michael exactly each time. We all know that someone can sign their name over and over and it would never be an identical match as the previous, they might be similar but not "Identical"  On magnification evaluation I have notice similarties as well. I have listed the 1987 photo as subject "A" and the 1995 photo as subject "B" so there isn't any confusion.

Close up evaluation shows the "J" stroke touching the "M" on all three photos
Subject "A" 1987 ProServ Photo
Subject "B" 1995 Rayovac photo
On 10x Magnfication evaluation: notice the etching from the mechanical pen pressure causing damage to the photo surface that is not seen in normal pen pressure.
Subject "B" notice the similarities
10x Magnification evaluation shows a normal blotchy pen ink pattern that is characteristic on photographs, due to it's porous irregular surface
Subject "B" same magnification
Inperson autograph by Michael Jordan on photographic paper. Notice the same blotchy ink pattern.
Notice the difference when evaluating a magnified autograph that was signed on a flat smooth book. On close evaluation one can notice the "brush" like stroke pattern.

